库布斯古勒湖(Lake Khovsgol)有个别称“东方的蓝色珍珠”是蒙古国最大的湖泊,也是世界第二深淡水湖。这里的空气新鲜,景色优美,被喻为东方的瑞士。水域总面积 2760平方公里。湖水深262.4米,起水量占全世界淡水的2%。这里除了湖中碧蓝的湖水,还有周围的茂密原始森林及森林中的马鹿、梅花鹿、黑熊等野生动物及漫山遍野的野花香草等丰富的植被,这里还居住着世界上人口很少的以养训鹿为生的少数民族——查堂。
Known as The Dark Blue Pearl, Lake Khovsgol is Mongolia's largest and deepest lake. Located in the northernmost province, it is the largest tributary stream of Lake Baikal in Russia. It's the second largest fresh water lake in Central Asia. It's inhabited by nine species of fish including the Siberian grayling and lenok. Fishing and sport fishing are becoming popular in the lake area. Taiga Fauna and Flora,Tsatan, practicing raindeer breeding are the main attractions for tourist. A ferryboat operates between Khatgal and Khanh, two towns on the southern and northen shores of the lake that is within the boundaries of the Khovsgol National Park. Different ethnic groups live in the area: Khalh, Darhadt, Butyat. Tsaatans are raindeer herders. Lake Khovsgol is on the important migration route for birds from Siberia, thus facilitating marvelous opportunities for birdwatching.
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